This drug is considered one of the safest and easiest steroids. It is non-hepatotoxic and does not cause aromatization. It can be used by beginner athletes and women also. For the most part, the drug works for a qualitative increase in strength, helps to consolidate the result of the mass gained with the help of other means and has great efficiency in drying and definition creation. Methenolone Enanthate acts as the main active ingredient. Features of the effect of the drug Primobolan 200 has many positive effects: Prevents rollback after course completion and suppresses aromatization; Promotes the removal of excess fluid from the body and prevents the accumulation of fat; Shows greater efficiency in muscle drying; Effective when combined with other heavy anabolic steroids and androgens; Increases the strength of the joints; Provides moderate muscle growth when combined with Sustanon. Application methods A sports specialist should be consulted with before taking this steroid. The recommended dosage is 200-800mg per week, dependent on the desired goal and level of the athlete. The dose is selected depending on the state of the body and training desires. For women, a dose of no more than 50-100mg per week is recommended. Otherwise, virilization symptoms may begin to appear.

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3 weeks after the completion of the course, it is recommended to undergo PCT. Tamoxifen or Clomid is well suited for this recovery phase. Combination with other AAS Primobolan 200 has a weak anabolic effect. This allows you to effectively use it in combination with other steroid drugs. Stanozolol, Sustanon, Oxymetholone or Methandienone are all great steroids for a combined cycle with Primobolan. Possible side effects The drug practically does not cause side effects. In rare cases, if the instructions for use are violated, it can cause increased aggressiveness and insomnia. Reviews of the drug Athletes who used Primobolan 200 talk about its effectiveness for drying and gaining high-quality muscles while increased strength. They note the complete absence of side effects and negative effects on the body, which is great for the user’s health. This drug is also used by many experienced athletes to bridge between cycles, this helps to keep the body in its anabolic state, while a recovery period of the receptors is happening.

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You can buy original Primobolan from our online store, you can feel confident when purchasing this amazing drug, as all of our stocked products come direct from the medical manufacturers. The pinning is so smooth and as far as I know, even other brands does not give PIP. Might as well you should switch to Dragon and experience the real deal. I may be an amateur but when I started to take this for 6 weeks, I cannot explain how good looking I become. I was on a calorie deficit diet but my recovery was exceptional as well as the strength and mass.

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I never thought that this will bring out the best in me. I took some time off with roids and planning on jumping back in. I plan on having a clean diet and use Primobolan at 600 mg along with 200 mast and 100 to 150 mg of test.

Planning to use var at 20 mg to keep my tendons and cartilage healthy. Add a review Cancel reply You must be logged in to post a review. Our expert team is always at hand to help you with any queries.

To speak with one of our consultants, simply contact us through our website's Contact Us section by submitting a support ticket. We are happy to assist you in determining the best enhancement product for you, as well as the best cycles and any other general questions you may have.